Thursday, December 11, 2008


Ok i'm thinking this post won't have anything at all interesting in it - i just need to write.

I just woke up about five minutes ago, and my guitar students will be here in 30 minutes. I soooo do not want to teach today. I've got too much else to do, and i don't think i can be all bright and chipper and find new ways to show them how to strum. They don't get it, and they don't practice. I will keep having the same lesson, week after week, until they finally take this seriously. They don't want to learn guitar, their moms want them too. No desire. Sometimes it kills it for me - i feel like "Who ISN'T passionate about music and guitar??" I love it so much, and my students ...don't. It steals my joy. I'm sorry, i'm not in a real good mood right now, i feel really sarcastic and irritable. And my spell-checker isn't working, but i don't feel like editing this for typos. Sorry to all you english major types. (of which i am one) Ehhhh i don't know. I'm just frustrated and dissappointed. No one ever learns... maybe i just can't teach. It would help if they at least wanted to learn, though.

i'm gonna do my best to be happier, and talk about things that make me happy. Tonight is frisbee which for the most part is a lot of fun. And there's sunday worship rehearsal at the church! (i'm hoping Wesley can FINALLY come!!) i've got several design projects i'm excited about, and i'm going to my favorite client's home to fix her computer :-) Ok so sharing that made me feel better. i gotta go prepare for the lesson now...



Emily said...

oh, nathan! It sounds like you have a lot on your mind!

I believe that you have great potential in teaching guitar. Don't blame it on yourself if the kids aren't's not your fault! Only /they/ can fix that.

Be positive! Tell yourself that this will be an awesome day, with the Lord's help!

ok, that's all :)

Wesley said...

They're still not learning, huh? That really stinks for you... and them.

And as you know, I still didn't come. Man!!! I really, really, really, really, really, really, really want to go to frisbee!!!

Emily said...

is this because you are short 1 car?

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel, Nathan - as a piano teacher, I can sympathize. :-) My suggestion is to give them an ultimatum: either you practice, or you can't take lessons from me. Their parents are wasting their money and you're wasting your time if the kids don't practice or have the motivation.

Of course, pray about it and get the parents involved in what's going on. I'll be praying for you. :-)

Wesley said...

Actually, it's cause I was working... but, yeah. We're still short one car.

Emily said...

oh, I see....

btw Nathan, I tagged you ;)

Matt said...

well i kinda want to be a music teacher so it sounds like i have a lot to look forward to...haha.