Thursday, January 1, 2009


This is strange, i never write in the middle of the day, always at night. But i was sitting here listening to country as i always do, and i started thinking about dating and relationships. I started thinking how i'm going to grow older and look back at my childhood and not see any of that in my life as a teenager except for a shadow of the good and a whole lot of heartache. This may be wrong, but sometimes, like right now, i want to date. I mean i already experience the heartache, why not experience the good with it? This is a serious debate for me. I've seen so, so many friends hit the dating scene, say "always and forever" and then two weeks later, are split up and more often than not, hate each other. And then, there's the matter of protecting hearts, and also staying pure for marriage. But i can't help thinking that i'm missing out on a very very good thing... I don't know guys. I feel like i'm going to regret not doing any of it. And sometimes i feel it would be easier to just find out if something would work for sure instead of having a bunch of wonderings. I'd rather see for sure, and take the heartache if it doesn't work, and then just enjoy the ride if it does. I don't want to miss what they talk about in the country songs... And i know i'm wrong in thinking that, but i don't really care at all.



Wesley said...

The title is correct. As I have said before... you would regret it. Talk to your dad... or a pastor. They'll set y' straight. =/

morgan joy said...

nathan, don't date.
you would eventually regret it.

Emily said...

Not like I'm experienced or anything(lol), but I'll give you my two cents.

I used to think that. I used to wonder if 'I was missing out' and other things like that. Well, I think of it like this. Am I ready to marry? Absolutely not. Am I going to be like I am now when I'm in college and older? Probably not. So if I were to date, what would be the purpose, if I'm not ready to consider marriage and since it's several years away, I may not be the same.

I just think that for myself, dating is a short term pleasure with long term effects, EVEN if one stays absolutely pure. I think that dating takes the focus off of what you should be focusing on as a teen: school, growing in my walk with the Lord, honoring my parents, etc....

I also think that the problem with 'trying it out' is two things. First, I think that after you have-uh...'that feeling' once, you will long for it more and more. So, even if it doesn't work out the first time, you'll be lured into another relationship more easily just to feel 'loved' or be in love(or so you think) again. Second, I think it's easy to think: 'I can handle this, I won't mess up like others'. Love is a very powerful emotion.....

Lastly, just a suggestion, it may make things a little easier for you if you don't listen to these love songs all the time. Not that they're all bad or anything, but they could be causing or aiding to some of these doubts you are having. I'm REALLY not saying that dating is awful or anything, after all, the bible doesn't say 'Thou Shalt Not Date, the Lord Only Supports Courting', I just think that courting really saves your heart and time and some times your purity.

Your feelings are totally understandable, don't get me wrong! I'm just trying to encourage you to honor your parents and keep you from having a lot more regrets in the future :)

I have found it to be amazing just to have really good guy and girl friends....just friends :)

Yeah...that was a bit long...sorry, haha!

morgan joy said...

good advice emily! and one more thing nathan, just talk to God about this. He'll make it clear what He wants for you.

Mark Hartwick said...

Nathan, my buddy, whenever you have a free chance, I would love to talk to you about this man.

I know EXACTLY what you are going through, obviously because of being a teenage guy myself. I struggled with the whole dating-and-girlfriends subject for years, until about 7 months ago, when God brought about a change in my heart.

I don't want to go into depth here (though I absolutely second everything Emily said) so whenever you can, call me or something and we can talk.


Nathan said...

Well guys, thanks for all the advice, i do appreciate it. But i do want to make something clear: I am not going to do anything stupid, and i clearly see all the dangers, and i'm definitely not considering dating anyone!!! I didn't really make that clear in my post, so sorry about that yall :-/ But i feel like i have only experienced all the bad, and sometimes i get so sick of it. I am going to continue to honor my parents, my friends, though, and i am committed to protecting hearts. Like i said i've seen soooo many friends cease to be just friends and then cease to be anything after only a couple weeks. I really just wish it all could be different, but it won't. So i must wait, and pray, like yall are saying. Thanks for the advice!!

Oh, and Emily, you brought up so many great points i hadn't thought about. I'm going to be doing a lot of thinking on what you said.

Wesley said...

Yeah, you probably should have made that clear in the post, haha. As I have said before, you are stronger than people give you credit for. You've been through so much more than most of the rest of us. I'm glad you're not going to do anything stupid, though.

Oh, and when are you going to post the next "R?"

Emily said...

good things are worth waiting for ;)

But anyhow, I'm so glad that I have made you think. Think and pray about it. And read what God has to say :)

Mark Hartwick said...

"Good things are worth waiting for."


Justin said...

Wow alot of my friends feel like this..

Nathan, all I'd say is that when you're married and you look back at your teenage days, you'll be happy you never got into the fickle relationships like all your friends did. I can't think of any of our mutual friends(which are many) that have lasted in a relationship at this age. Its so hard to.

God will bring her into your life when He thinks its right. All you have to do is wait. Waiting is pretty hard, but knowing that God is behind it is pretty reassuring I'd say. :P

I know I can't say much since I'm in a relationship with Ying, but I really believe she is the one for me. We both believe that. Of course we know though that there is just as much chance that we aren't gonna be 'always and forever'. I look at my friends and I see even more heartache once they've been in a relationship. You'll lose friends, purity, attention, etc. lol..

I have more to say, but I don't want to get too much into it.. Call me if you'd like?

Justin said...

I would totally agree with Emily

Emily said...

Glad you do too =D

Um, sorry if I said too much online. But it sounds like it helps a little. I could of went into much more detail. haha