Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I <3 Davidson

Just sayin. I went down there earlier tonight with Chad and just walked around right at dusk. Oh. My. Gosh. It is soooooo nice there!!! I felt like i was on vacation. The sun was going down, and the sunset was casting everything in a weird, creepy light, and since the buildings there are strung out in a strange manner like something from the early 1700's, it gave everything a strange, other world type appearance. The buildings and little shops there are so old, more than 200 years some of them. And there was NO ONE there!! The streets were almost entirely empty... it was all just... creepy =P But beautiful. I am going back as soon as i possibly can, which is HOPEFULLY tomorrow, and DEFINITELY sunday :-D As we were leaving we passed by this tiny pawnshop in a very quiet alley that looked like no one had been in for a hundred years... the buildings were all vacant and rickety beside it, but the shop was in business, and had SO many amazing things inside... it was already closed though. But. OH MY GOSH we saw the most AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING Gibson guitar looking in the window... for $200!!!! It's worth thousands........ we're going back to pick it up tomorrow if possible. :-D But i gtg now.... so much more happened today, but i'll talk about that later. Peace yall.



Emily said...

Sounds awesome! I love old stuff =)

Matt said...

SG? LP? even if it's a melody maker that's freakin awesome.

Anonymous said...

I know, right?
I love living here.
