Saturday, July 25, 2009

Welcome to life.

Hey folks. Lately i have had way too much to post so i decided why post at all? I don't even know why i'm posting now. I guess to try to keep up some semblance of the appearance of still posting. Right now i'm in one of my "don't you dare mess with me" moods, and i'm glad i'm home so i don't take it out on anybody. I probably shouldn't be posting because my bitterness and anger will bleed through on the text... now see i don't feel bad, just very angry and bitter. For far too many reasons. Mostly because people are sheep. They will listen/buy/watch/do anything, and follow the other stupid, pathetic sheep and the wolves that lead them. Such utter stupidity. This pop culture is built off it. Everybody feeds into it. The smart ones feed off it. The ones that are angry enough and uncaring enough know just how to lead the sheep... well what kind of a choice does that leave us outside of the culture's grip? To make a living, and to get power, we have to be the wolves. I know how to get the power... and it scares me that i do. I know how this world works, and i know just how to get what i want and need from it. I have learned how to use people. And sadly it's use or be used. I've been used so many times...Do you know what that does to a person? If you're weak, you collapse into a shell of yourself. If you're strong, you become jaded and bitter towards everyone and everything and learn to use people yourself. ...Guess who i am? And for all you stupid pathetic sheep that have taken your shot at using me - try again :-) Ever heard of the Long Con? :-) This will be fun... and hey... as they say in the mafia, nothing personal, it's just... business :-) Welcome to life, folks. And more specifically, welcome to the entertainment industry, a specific business dedicated to fulfilling the greed and mindless pleasure of the masses. It's all about power and money, taking it from the stupid sheep and transfering it into the hands of the ones who actually know what to do with it, and actually have a musical preference and an ear for perfection and excellence instead of just purchasing the newest one-hit wonder no-talent that comes onto the billboard top 10 like the masses they pander to. Don't you just love this screwed-up world? I know i do. Don't you just love how we have to reap the results of the fall in order to create or perpetuate any semblance of good? That's my business. I create evil in order to recieve power so i can create good. It's so messed up... but hey, it's life. Welcome to Using and Being Used. Get used to it. End of post.



Mel said...

hmmm...a lot to think about in that post, Nathan. From a worldly perspective, you are absolutely right! Some are born leaders (good and bad). The rest are born to follow. There are many people who use their influence in a damaging way to those few really know how to lead for the better good of others, not themselves.
But this is where God comes in! Don't you love it that He's made a way for us to go against our normal, natural sinful natures so /that/ we could do more good than harm? Don't you love it that God is in control and /using/ everyone for His purposes even through people's bad choices? Aren't you grateful that God doesn't get embittered and squash us dead when we use /Him/ for our own purposes? or when He sees us using others for our own good?
I don't know about you, but I am sure grateful that the God I serve is not like me or any other human being! Because I'd not be here today!
Hope this long comment gives you much to think about.
Please keep posting because your posts really challenge me to think! And that's a good thing!

In His Grip,

Emily said...

hmmm. I'm not sure if I agree or not. But, I'm also not sure if I understand your point. So maybe, I can talk to you about this in person before I share my in depth opinion ;)

One thing though: I believe if it's God's will for you to succeed in the music industry, He can enable you to do that without sinning. I mean, obviously, we will always sin, but I'm just saying that God will enable a way for you to honor Him through that. I don't think it would be honoring to God for you to use people and take advantage of them. Just my two cents though.

Anyhow, I do know your frustration. This culture is sad, stupid and annoying. I just want to encourage you to bring God into it and maybe you'll find a solution to this seemingly impossible problem ;)

Wesley said...

We may all be either mindless sheep or ravenous wolves, but God has all of us on strings. And I don't mind one bit, 'cause His mind is far greater than ANY human's.

Matt said...

I certainly know how you feel Nathan. I've felt the same way so many times. This world is so messed up...the entertainment industry is only a small part of it. It scares me to know that this corrupted world is only getting worse and worse, and I'm still young! I'm not looking forward to the world in which I'll have to raise kids and support a family.
What you're saying is true though. People are just followers of other people, and idolaters. They try to keep up with the latest and greatest, trying to find the best of this world, but are only led to the worst (sin).
But here's what I think - you say you know this world, you know how it works, your a seasoned warrior. You have power. So why not use that power? Why not use that power to help fight against what our world is becoming? This world needs people like you Nathan, people that have motivation to do the right thing, and know /how/ to do the right thing.

Oh and next time, don't be so harsh! lol

Nathaniel G. said...

I guess you could say it's a BAAAAD world out there. haha =b

Okay so maybe that wasn't so funny,=) but I have to agree with you Nathan. It's a good thing that someday the world's gonna be different, ya' know? =D