Saturday, November 15, 2008

Backlogged::: "End of Innocence"

Recently, while going through my big brown notebook, i came across a post that i never published, partly because of its length, and partly because i wanted to make sure it was theologically accurate. I've decided to finally post it here, even though it is fairly old. I hope you enjoy, and please let me know your thoughts on it, because, you see, it's about the Gospel, and i want to be extremely careful that i do not distort the Truth. Read on below, i hope it makes some amount of sense...


"End of Innocence"

There's a song by a not-so-christian band that isn't holy, but it does illustrate a good point. You've probably heard it, it's "Animal i have Become" by Three Days Grace. It's about a poor fella who has, well, lost his innocence, and sinned to the point of losing his identity. He begs for someone, anyone, to help him, to change him, and to help him see himself as more than just, an animal. Now we never hear what happens to this guy, i personally hope he found some answers, but the song ends with that plea "help me change this animal i have become!" Why am i sharing this? I think you and i are that guy. Not out in the open, of course, just subtly, behind the scenes, barely behind -in our thoughts, nowhere else, usually. I'm sure you've done something, like, maybe you're talking to a friend who is going through something bad, and maybe you're shocked to discover that you feel no sympathy for the person, your best friend even, and instead you feel like BMC (big man on campus) for reaching down a hand to console this poor, poor little person. I have. Maybe it's that little voice that says "pft you've done enough for the day" when confronted with an opportunity to serve someone. Maybe its... well, whatever it is, i'm sure you know what i mean... I call it the End of Innocence. Do you know what i'm talking about? Every single day, if you're like me, you cheat, fake it, or plot evil, and then lie about it to yourself to keep the beast locked inside your mind and to ease your conscience. Not all of us notice it yet, either. That's called Incrementalism. If for some odd chance you don't know what i'm talking about, chances are either )A, you're sinless, and in that case I'm deeply honored that you're reading my blog, Jesus! ...or )B your mind is deceiving you, and you do things, little things, things you don't even notice, little evil thoughts that are just feeding the monster, feeding it - making it stronger in little increments (remember Incrementalism?) where one day it will pounce, destroy you, and leave you lying in a pool of your own throw-up. Sorry for the harsh analogies, but my friends, there is nothing happy, peaceful, or flowery about sin, which is what i've been referring to, of course. There's also nothing at all any less important than the gospel, and this, as i hope all of you are well aware, is the answer to the plea of our friend in the song, and ours as well. Only Christ's saving work on the cross can do anything for us poor, wretched sinners. I can't assume that everyone who reads this blog is a Christian, as much i would like to, but i have to accept the fact that there is a chance that a few of you won't go to heaven when you pass away. In that case, if you haven't trusted Christ yet, do so now, at this very moment!! Just tell God that you understand that He died on the cross to take the punishment you deserve, and that you want to serve \Him and live to glorify Him. He won't turn you away!! "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" (i forget the reference) If you feel a tug of your conscience, but aren't really sure what this is all about, Please call a pastor! I know my pastor would love to talk with you and you can call him at 704-948-9900. Just ask to speak to Mickey and tell him what's going on. He'll help ya!

Now if you don't know what happens after you tell God that stuff, basically, it's incrementalism again, although this time it's the good kind. God will begin to work in your life, turning those bad thoughts into good ones, if you work with Him. Now it doesn't (usually) happen all at once, like i said earlier in this post. I know i still have so, so many evil thoughts , and many times my actions aren't all that pure either. The difference is, instead of increasing in evilness, i am constantly increasing in Godliness, stumbling and tripping along, but still increasing, if i listen to what God wants me to do. This is called Sanctification, and even though it's hard, it's necessary. Even if you only show a little bit of fruit from your labor, it is still a tremendous example of God's goodness and kindness. Please take this road, it's the only one that leads to Life!!

I'm not sure why i just shared all that, i just felt a burden to write this. Now for those of you who are stronger in your faith than me and noticed errors in this post PLEASE let me know, the last thing i want to do lead someone down the wrong path.

Well now my pencil's running out of lead (actually graphite, to be scientific =P) And this has been long enough already. Seriously if this has struck a chord with you, don't keep it to yourself!


Well it's amazing as i read back over this how disjointed and confusing that was... i hope you were able to take some truth from it at least! It's funny to dive back to old writings, isnt it? And also a little humbling as well haha.

1 comment:

Wesley said...

That's the church phone number right? Not his cell or anything...

Isn't it amazing how everything points to God? Even things like "Animal I Have Become," a secular song, points to Him.

I didn't see any major theological errors, btw.