Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Wow it's been a long time since i've written. Life has been SO busy, i honestly haven't had time to catch my breath, think, or do anything else beyond what's on my to-do list, much less post. Things have been good, for the most part, except for that awful nagging feeling that i haven't done everything i've needed to. I work so much now, i try to relax whenever possible because if i don't i'll go crazy. I'm always either working or sleeping, and since i work feelance (which really comes out to be about 3 full-time jobs) usually those are done immediately following each other! Tonight was very nice, though, i went to the Harris's and played many tasty jams with Chad that, even though it was all improv (i was rythym guitar he was lead guitar) i'd say each jam was good enough for an album - i wish i could remember evertything we played, and i hope we didn't annoy the family too much! Sorry for the loud music, Morgan - i hope it didn't add to your headache :-( Well i think i'm gonna hit the sack now; it's late and i have an EXTREMELY full day tomorrow - college homework needs to be finished, 3 PC's need to be fixed, all stock merchandize needs to be comopleted and assembled, orders need to be packaged and shipped, i've got to call clients that owe me money to negotiate a fair payment, i need to work out (i HAVE to make that a priority!) i've got caregroup worship tomorrow night to prepare for, i really really really want to find time to work on THE project, i need to call clients for various reasons, i've got to make a housecall to fix a PC, i need to finish my website so my clients can access it after i promised them it would be up and running 2 weeks ago, that big design project for PR needs to be finished (due date fast approaching!!) and i still have to post this!!! Lord help me. Well if you're reading this, that means that i've at least got ONE thing done =P haha

Oh one more thing - check out my favorite quote of the day:

"Ending sentances with prepositions is something i will not up with put" - Winston Churchil

hahahaha. Classy.



Wesley said...

I thought I was busy. I don't know how you find time to do anything if I can't. lol

morgan joy said...

oh i'm so used to the noise by now that i didn't even notice it...

Unknown said...

tasty jams are certainly a fun way to relax. call me up some time and we'll have to arrange you a keyboardist!

and ending sentences with prepositions are easy for me to put up with. cool quote though

Emily said...

ditto what Wesley said! Wow, you're busy.... I'll be prayin' for you!!

Nathan said...

Haha Morgan i'm glad it wasn't that annoying :-)

Yesss Adam!! We really need to get together and jam sometime - i haven't heard your music since that Remember Me film day! I remember that it was completely amazing, and your style was incredible. Yeah we gotta hang out sometime.

Thanks Emily! Yeah i am busy, but God gives me the strength to stay sane :-) And i can always use prayer :-D Gosh i know yall are really busy too - I especially don't know how you find time to write your masterpieces, Wes!

Wesley said...

I just sit down and write them... it doesn't take long, really. Kieth Getty once wrote a hundred melodies in one day (he wrote In Christ Alone, btw).