Saturday, February 28, 2009


Apparently everyone else thinks so. I just got back from a very very packed Lowe's Foods where EVERYONE there had both bread and milk in their carts... typical Charlottean reaction =P I was laughing so hard... some people JUST had bread and milk... I can assure you though, i only bought pizza, six gallon bottles of juice, cheese, and eyehole screws. :-) I refuse to go with the flow. And i highly doubt we'll get snow anyway. I'm hoping we don't get snow. I have plans!!!! haha. But God doesn't wait on my own little plans does He? That's fine with me, i think it'll all turn out good. Right now i'm just relaxing, waiting for Chad to call so we can do something... what, i'm not really sure. =P It'll be amazing though i'm sure. I'm bored, and tired, and i want tomorrow to come fast...

And i just totally wasted your time =P



Mark Hartwick said...

BOOO!!! No more snow!!

I want summer.

Unknown said...

sorry bud. its gonna snow. at least i think so. and im hoping for it (even though i hate snow) just to skip school hha

Emily said...

haha! I'm soooo ready for summer. But, snow is fun. And if it has to be cold, it might as well be pretty and snow =P

lol, the bread and milk thing always make me laugh!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nathan!!
Two days from now, look out your window and see if you can say there's no snow. =D