Thursday, February 14, 2008

so i'm back, for a little while anyway...

well i'm posting here again, completely sporadically i know, so dont hope for another post for a while... (read my reasons why below) Ahh, so i'm going to give you an overview of how my life has been this past little while... good, to sum it up. There ya go. day to day things fluctuate, somedays suck and others are truly awesome, just depends... mostly life has been talking on gmail with everybody, helping my dad adjust to life on crutches, working on graphic design projects, long walks to church, and phone calls from friends. Not too bad, considering! Nothing deep here, i've just been trying to enjoy life as much as i can :-D soo i guess that wraps up this post except for a picture :-D

These men are concreting solid steel pillars to stop vehicles from parking on the pavement outside a sports bar downtown. They are cleaning up at the end of the day.

How long do you think it will be before they realize where their vehicle is parked?


Justin said...


Mel said...

That's funny! I think they probably found a way out, (hopefully) or else they will be the ones parked outside the building!
