Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Well, this is the third time (in three weeks, mind you) that Nathan has left himself logged in on my computer. I decided that it is high-time for me to do something to teach him a lesson. (hahahaha)

So, I'm not going to do anything mean... just hijacking. =P

Nathan, you are awesome, but please learn to log out of your account on my computer. Hahahahaha...

Peace out, y'all! Blog post coming soon!



Nathan said...

Hahahaha!! Well, he did warn me... hahahaha

Emily said...

haha =P

morgan joy said...

hahahahahaha nice.

Wesley said...

And he left himself logged in again... Nathan, Nathan, Nathan... it's not even funny, anymore. =P

Nathaniel G. said...

ROTFL!!!! That's great Wes! haha =D

Matt said...

lol nathan. I think you should just avoid even logging in to other people's computers in the first place.

Or in that extra memory you carry around, save a personal reminder to log off ;)